Aug 2023

Breaking bad habits: A not-to-do list

Bad habits are like unwelcome guests in our lives. They're real time stealers, drain our energy, and often rob us of the opportunity to fully enjoy life. But don't worry, everyone does (unconsciously) things that should actually be on a not-to-do list. We've compiled such a list with bad habits that many of us have. Our not-to-do list is designed to help you rid yourself of these annoying habits. Sometimes, happiness and success simply mean letting go of what doesn't move us forward.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Aug 2023

Cold showers: What's the ideal ice bathing protocol, and what should AURUM consider?

Living longer through cold showers? Sebastian Kneipp already knew over 130 years ago about the beneficial effects of cold exposure. Currently, ice bathing is experiencing a real trend. Explored by neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Huberman and praised by Wim Hof, cold showers offer numerous benefits for body and mind. Discover the verified cold therapy protocol and how it can be combined with your AURUM Training.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Jul 2023

Zyklusorientiertes Training: Warum solltest du dein Training mit deinem Menstruationszyklus abstimmen?

An manchen Tagen bist du voller Energie und fühlst dich wie Superwoman während du an anderen kaum die Kraft hast, den Kühlschrank zu öffnen? Tatsächlich gibt es Phasen im Menstruationszyklus, in denen du nicht nur mehr Energie hast, sondern auch besser Muskeln aufbauen kannst. In anderen Phasen ist es hingegen schwierig, trotz Training, die Muskeln zu definieren. In diesem Blogpost lernst du deine Sportroutine, um deinen Zyklus und dein persönliches Ziel zu optimieren, ohne dass du viel ändern muss. Die Lösung lautet: Zyklusorientiertes Training!
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Jul 2023

Stay hydrated: How much water do you drink a day?

What and how much have you had to drink so far today? If you realize it's been too little, grab a glass of water quickly before you continue reading. Find out how many liters of water per day you should actually consume, how to adequately hydrate your body during hot weather, and why it's crucial for effective AURUM training.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite