Dec 2023

Fit and energetic through winter: How muscles & their Myokines boost your immune system

Did you know that your body composition influences your immune defenses? That means you can actively work to become more resistant to bacteria and viruses. Alongside nutrition, fresh air, and sufficient sleep, strength training has a significant impact. The reason? Muscles produce messenger molecules called Myokines, which reduce the negative effects of pathogens like bacteria or viruses, thereby strengthening our immune system. Discover how it works here.
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Egle Paulauskaite
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Muscle Gain
Nov 2023

It's your time: tips for autumn

A week has 10,080 minutes. Subtracting work and sleep, you still have about 4,740 minutes, and only 6 minutes of that is taken up by your AURUM training. What will you do with the remaining time and energy?
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
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Oct 2023

More than just walking: Why strength training is essential for an active life

We all know that walking, hiking, and cycling are excellent ways to stay active. But when do they reach their limits? In this blog post, we explore why it's worth giving strength training a chance, even when you're actively exploring during your vacation.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
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Oct 2023

AURUM experience: Interview with Cyrill from Zurich

Cyrill, a fascinating embodiment of muscle definition and athletic dedication, dedicates himself to a six-day training regime that seems to push the boundaries of what's possible. But here's the catch: at AURUM, his training takes only six precious minutes per week. This contrast raises valid questions, especially from those who doubt measurable results within such a brief time frame. The following interview with Cyrill Schnyder from Zurich will reveal why even a fitness enthusiast like Cyrill chooses AURUM and recommends it to others. Read more about Cyrill's experiences with AURUM.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
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Muscle Gain