May 2021

How chronic stress causes belly fat and what to do about it

It´s a well known saying, stress makes fat. But why is chronic stress "fatening". The hormone cortisol which is released during stress makes us crave snacks, inhibits metabolism, and makes the work of insulin, the hormone responsible for blood sugar regulation and fat storage, much harder. In this article, you get the briefing on how to lower your chronic cortisol levels with the right diet, lifestyle, and mindset.
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Posted by 
Kerstin Klein
Fat Loss
Jul 2020

Basta with diet trends, hello personalised nutrition: What to eat to gain muscle mass?

Which diet is best for you? Kerstin chased nutrition trends from High Carb Low Fat to High Fat Low Carb. She gained strength doing HIT workouts but her goal was to gain muscle mass and improve her health with food. In addition to AURUM strength training, epigenetics and a personalized nutrition approach was the answer. A personal self-optimisation journey by Kerstin.
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Posted by 
Kerstin Klein