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Kim Bauer google maps review for AURUM Google maps review form Nicolaus for AURUM Google maps review form Beat for AURUM Google maps review form Yuiliana and Daniel for AURUM Google maps review form Tauras for AURUM
No one believes me when I say you can get the best workout in only six minutes. It's great to be able to really see and feel your progress during each session. Each week you are competing against yourself, and being able to see the results in real time makes you push even more to beat your last score. With the bodyscans you also get to see how your body is changing.  Fantastic! Oh, did I mention it's only 6 minutes!?!?
Kim Bauer via Google Maps
Fantastic guys that really believe in their product. 20min/week is something anybody regardless of schedule challenges can commit to. Great tracking of results for those that are results driven. Bonus endorphin rush at the end. 😁
Nicolas Gautier via Google Maps
Jedesmal eine Herausforderung, gute und angenehme individuelle Betreuung. Wenn sich an die Grenzen bringen Spaß machen kann, dann hier.  Der Erfolg ist spürbar und gibt immer wieder neue Motivation.
Beat Ingod via Google Maps
I recently joined Aurum, and absolutely love it. Everyone who works there is very friendly and knowledgeable. You get a personalized and efficient work out in just 20 minutes. My favorite feature is the analytics, I like to see tangible progress every single time, it keeps me motivated to improve.
Yuliana and Daniel via Google Maps
Super awesome workout! Sounds so simple, but maaan it's challenging! What I love the most is 1. how short it is 2. how you can measure  your progress 3. the bodyscans to track your body composition! 100% recommended.
Tauras Sinkus via Google Maps
Effective price for three example health insurance plans
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