Aug 2020

Monetary retirement planning but none for a healthy retirement

Time flies by, decade by decade. In our 20s we are sure, we will conquer the world. In our 30s that has likely not happend the way you imagined it to. But those back pains, shoulder pains and muffin tops have replaced hangovers as your biggest health concerns since the time we were 20 somethings. Okay this decade it´s time to start planing for retirement and stay in shape. By the time we are 40 - damn where is the last decade? - we most likely have taken up different trends and fads in fitness over the years. They came and went, but nothing that you really sticked to. On the other - the financial - hand you have started paying into a retirement account and sticked to it. An automated system, that keeps investing portions of your income every month. High Intensity Training is such an automated system for your healthy retirement and I took some tools from statistics and publicly available data to estimate the real cost of not taking care of your health during your 30s, 40s and 50s. See it as a kind of a negative retirment account that eats away on your fun money during the golden years. Let´s call it some extra motivation for our left brained specimen out there.
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Julian Massler
Jun 2020

Infographic: corporate wellness buzzword or sensible investment?

No, really, what is corporate wellness? "Health at the workplace" - in good German - or wellness at work describes "all activities, guidelines and grants that lead to healthier behavior of the workforce." According to this definition, wearing a helmet at a construction site would also be a wellbeing measure. What does actually wellness mean and how to enhance the wellbeing of your employees who dedicate maybe 80% of their productive time to achieve work goals?
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Julian Massler
Jun 2020

What is Fitness 4.0 and why you should care

What is the next big development in strength training and fitness? And why traditional fitness offers are elitist and expensive and rarely offer? If you want to get in shape, you subscribe to a gym. And let's be honest. If you're just starting out with fitness and strength training, it can be a pretty daunting place. You often hear the statement: "I have to get a little fitter before I go to the gym." If you finally dare to go to a gym, you first have to learn to use all the training equipment correctly.
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Posted by 
Julian Massler
Muscle Gain