Aug 2023

Sarcopenia - what can be done against muscle atrophy?

You become unsteady when your muscles disappear. Every year from the age of 30, we lose between 0.3 and 1.3% of our muscles. This is a natural aging process. Learn in the article what happens with the declining muscle mass as you age and what you can do about it. Because sarcopenia (muscle atrophy) is preventable.
Egle Paulauskaite
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Egle Paulauskaite
Jul 2023

Cycle-oriented training: why should you coordinate your training with your menstrual cycle?

Some days you're full of energy and feel like superwoman while on others you barely have the strength to open the fridge? In fact, there are phases in the menstrual cycle when you not only have more energy, but also build muscles better. In contrast, in other phases it is difficult to define your muscles, despite training. Learn your exercise routine in this blog post to optimize your cycle and your personal goal without changing much. The solution is: cycle-oriented training!
Egle Paulauskaite
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Egle Paulauskaite
Jul 2023

Zyklusorientiertes Training: Warum solltest du dein Training mit deinem Menstruationszyklus abstimmen?

An manchen Tagen bist du voller Energie und fühlst dich wie Superwoman während du an anderen kaum die Kraft hast, den Kühlschrank zu öffnen? Tatsächlich gibt es Phasen im Menstruationszyklus, in denen du nicht nur mehr Energie hast, sondern auch besser Muskeln aufbauen kannst. In anderen Phasen ist es hingegen schwierig, trotz Training, die Muskeln zu definieren. In diesem Blogpost lernst du deine Sportroutine, um deinen Zyklus und dein persönliches Ziel zu optimieren, ohne dass du viel ändern muss. Die Lösung lautet: Zyklusorientiertes Training!
Egle Paulauskaite
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Egle Paulauskaite
Jun 2023

Healthy & beautiful skin – What does skin aging and UV rays have to do with AURUM?

Have you ever heard of Photoaging? It's the aging of the skin caused by the sun, or more precisely, by UV rays. That's right, UV rays can make your skin look older. But fear not! With AURUM, you can tighten your skin and turn back the clock. We'll let you in on the secret of how this training naturally replenishes your tissues. And you know what? Both the sun and AURUM training have something in common – they bring a smile to your face.
Egle Paulauskaite
Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite