Apr 2021

Strength training and yoga - the significant workout effects on the yoga mat

As the saying goes, opposites attract. This is also true for my fitness routine, specifically for my yoga practice and weekly strength training. Even though yoga and strength training don't have much in common at first glance, from my experience they complement each other extremely well. If you ever found yourself on a yoga mat trying to feel and look good doing asanas, then you will recognize yourself in my story. Maybe you will even get inspired to pair your yoga routine with strength training!
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Posted by 
Ramona Perchia
Mar 2021

Post pandemic fitness routine: How the 6 Minute Workout buys you time

The pandemic has shown us that health and social relationships matter most. And the lockdown has changed the way we live (at least for a while) and the way we perceive time. When gyms closed and fitness classes were canceled, we had to figure out how to exercise at home. Turns out, 3-4 hours of sweat sessions every week shaking that bootie are not just unnecessary but have also been robbing our time. So did the daily commute. We learned that the popular workout routines varying from yoga, pilates, spinning, body pump, to body boost can be done from home. Alone these apps can get you the needed amount of physical and mental fitness. Except for the 6 Minute high intensity workout performed on our “time machine”. Time, because it literally buys you time and improves your quality of life.
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Egle Paulauskaite
Feb 2021

The fascinating truth about why bigger muscles aren't necessarily better

Did you ever try to move so explosively fast that your brain hurt trying to keep up with the task? Maybe during a 100 meters sprint to the finish line at school or maybe sometimes when running in a forest or riding a bicycle just trying to beat your training buddy to the imaginary yardstick? Fact is, when it comes to optimizing the performance of your nervous system and cementing the connection between your brain and body, it doesn't really matter how impressive your bicep is.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Muscle Gain
Feb 2021

Once upon a time: What actually happens in your body during the 7 days after the 6 Minute Workout?

"Surely that's a scam!", "That can't work"... These are the rather harmless statements made by many people when they first hear about high intensity strength training. Typically, these skeptics turn into enthusiastic brand ambassadors for us as soon as they realize bit by bit after the trial training: "There is something to it after all". The others who wave us off without having done a trial training can't be helped anyway. So what's the magic that happens in the 7 days after the AURUM high intensity training?
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Posted by 
Julian Massler
Muscle Gain