Jan 2021

What actually happens when I don't workout?

Recently, I have actually received a few messages - be it via WhatsApp, SMS, or mail. Most of them had a discreetly desperate undertone and read, for example, "I see how my muscles, steeled with a lot of commitment, are fading away". But what happens in such a situation where you do not give your body the necessary stimulus and are there perhaps some quick tricks with which you can counteract a "physical decline"? Of course, and I'll show you how.
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Tobias Hackl
Muscle Gain
Jan 2021

The 15 most common mistakes to avoid when losing weight

Have you been religiously fasting and drinking apple and kale juice for 3 weeks, eating salads, avoiding refined sugars, and jogging 5 to 10 km every other day and still haven't achieved any success? No, of course, you don't do all that, but maybe you think you should do more of that to burn fat. To lose weight effectively and prove to your colleagues and yourself that you can stay (or even get) fit this year without going to the gym, you absolutely must avoid these 15 mistakes:
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Posted by 
Philipp Andris
Fat Loss
Apr 2022

How Francesco gained 96% strength and lost 6.8kg fat in 4 months

Francesco Mannino, 43, has always enjoyed sports, but he felt strength training was a "boring must". Classic strength training - meaning lifting weights for an hour, 3 times a week, he did in hopes to gain good definition. As a husband, father, and private banker with little time budget, Francesco appreciates the amazing result he has achieved in a very short time - 3 kg of muscle gain and 6.8 kg of fat loss in only 4 months. In a conversation after his second 3D body analysis, Francesco reveals how he achieved this Return on Invested Time and what it means for a man with little time and many client occasions.
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite
Muscle Gain
Jan 2021

Damage control measures: What to do before, during and after a feast to stay in top shape despite overeating and overdrinking?

Jingle bells, ji-jingle bells, gin-gin cin-cingle bells!... After popping the corks and soaking 2020 in excellent sparkling wine and high volume "elixir", the next day the stomach starts rumbling, the head booming and the body screaming for water. Holiday celebrations are meant to be enjoyed, which we usually exaggerate a little thanks to our human nature. Too much eaten, too much drunk, who can't relate to that? To make sure you can swing into the days after the party feeling at your best, we have compiled a damage control measure list. With this knowledge, you will stay in top shape despite double portions and % volume content in your glass!
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Posted by 
Egle Paulauskaite